Ny luminaire slim U3572 dia jiro tsipika sus-pendant vita amin'ny injeniera izay manamora ny fifandraisana mora sy maharitra.
Haverina ao amin'ny mombamomba ny fonon-tanana iraisana, ny olona iray ihany no mila manamboatra voanjo iray mba hamitana ny fampifandraisana ho an'ny fifandraisana lava kokoa.
Ny mpamily an'ity hazavana tsipika ity dia raikitra ao anatin'ny mombamomba azy, miaraka amin'ny lens optika mora afindra na raikitra, mamela ny fametrahana sy fikojakojana tsy misy olana.
Ankoatra izany, dia mandray anjara amin'ny famoronana tontolo milamina kokoa amin'ny ankapobeny.
Mba hiantohana ny toe-pahazavana optique, ny U3572 dia mampiasa lens diffuser PC. Ity family ity dia mampirisika ny fifindran'ny hazavana mahomby sady mifehy ny tara-masoandro be.
Ho an'ny hazavana malefaka sy mampahazo aina kokoa, ny lens Silicone no safidy. Fanampin'izany, ny family silicone dia mety ho 30M amin'ny tsipika iray, mora alefa amin'ny horonan-taratasy, mandritra izany fotoana izany, ataovy tsara kokoa ny hazavana amin'ny tsipika mahitsy, tsy misy elanelana.
1, halavany azo zahana:Ity jiro tsipika ity dia manolotra halavany isan-karazany mifanaraka amin'ny fampiharana isan-karazany sy ny fepetra takiana.
2, Ny mari-pana amin'ny loko (2200k~6500k):dia manome safidy mari-pana isan-karazany, manomboka amin'ny jiro mafana sy malefaka amin'ny 2200 Kelvin ka hatramin'ny hazavana mangatsiaka kokoa, toy ny antoandro amin'ny 6500 Kelvin.
Ity endri-javatra ity dia ahafahanao mampifanaraka ny ambiance amin'ny habakao araka ny safidinao na ny filanao manokana.
3, CRI80 na CRI90:Ny vahaolana jiro dia manolotra safidy roa ho an'ny fanondroana loko (CRI): CRI80 sy CRI90.
Ny CRI80 dia miantoka ny fahamarinan'ny loko tsara, raha toa kosa ny CRI90 dia manome loko avo kokoa noho ny tsy fivadihana, ka mahatonga azy ho tonga lafatra ho an'ny fampiharana izay tena zava-dehibe ny fanehoana loko marina, toy ny any amin'ny galleries na fivarotana varotra.
4, Hery sy fahaiza-miovaova:novolavolaina miaraka amin'ny flexibility ao an-tsaina, manolotra hery sy haavon'ny fahaiza-manao samihafa mifanaraka amin'ny fepetra samihafa.
5, Brackets mora mifandray: miaraka amin'ny fononteny fifandraisana mora ampiasaina izay manamora ny fizotry ny fametrahana.
Ireo bracket ireo dia manamora ny fifandraisana haingana sy azo antoka, mampihena ny filana asa be dia be sy ny fahaiza-manao ara-teknika mandritra ny fanamboarana, mahazo vokatra mazava tsy misy kilema sy mitohy.
6, mpamily anatiny: tehirizo ny toerana ho an'ny fametrahana mpamily, mitazona ny tontolo iainana madio.
7,Espace lehibe amin'ny profil:ny fonony aoriana ny mombamomba dia mora ny misokatra, mora ny dingana fametrahana manontolo.
8, Fomba fametrahana flexible: Sus-pendant na mipetaka amin'ny tany.
Ity vahaolana jiro tsipika ity dia natao hanomezana safidy loko mahazatra amin'ny fotsy matte kanto, mainty miloko ary volafotsy voadio.
Fanampin'izay, ho an'ireo izay mikasa ny hampiditra fikasihana manokana sy fahavitrihana, dia manome loko 48 tsara tarehy izahay ho an'ny fanosotra vovoka.
Mahita fampiasana be dia be amin'ny tontolon'ny orinasa, toeram-pianarana akademika, toeram-pivoriana, ary toeram-piasana matihanina isan-karazany.
MODELY | SLIM (3572) | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC diffuser | Hery | 15W |
Beam Angle | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
farany | Black Textured (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/off >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
lafiny | L1208 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1215-1545lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | fahombiazana | 90-100lm/W |
Fametrahana | Pendant, Fametrahana ny valin-drihana | Androm-piainana | 50.000 ora |
Lanja afa-karatsaka | 1,5 kg | THD | <20% |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, Fahombiazana: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, Fahombiazana: 100lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1500lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1500lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1500lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1545lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1545lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1545lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1391lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1500lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1500lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1500lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
MODELY | SLIM (3572) | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC diffuser | Hery | 21W |
Beam Angle | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
farany | Black Textured (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/off >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
lafiny | L1208 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1701-2163lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | fahombiazana | 90-100lm/W |
Fametrahana | Pendant, Fametrahana ny valin-drihana | Androm-piainana | 50.000 ora |
Lanja afa-karatsaka | 1,5 kg | THD | <20% |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, Fahombiazana: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, Fahombiazana: 100lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
MODELY | SLIM (3572) | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC diffuser | Hery | 21W |
Beam Angle | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
farany | Black Textured (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/off >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
lafiny | L1508 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1701-2163lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | fahombiazana | 90-100lm/W |
Fametrahana | Pendant, Fametrahana ny valin-drihana | Androm-piainana | 50.000 ora |
Lanja afa-karatsaka | 1,5 kg | THD | <20% |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, Fahombiazana: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, Fahombiazana: 100lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
MODELY | SLIM (3572) | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC diffuser | Hery | 27W |
Beam Angle | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
farany | Black Textured (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/off >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
lafiny | L1508 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 2187-2781lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | fahombiazana | 90-100lm/W |
Fametrahana | Pendant, Fametrahana ny valin-drihana | Androm-piainana | 50.000 ora |
Lanja afa-karatsaka | 1,5 kg | THD | <20% |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, Fahombiazana: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, Fahombiazana: 100lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2700lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2700lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2700lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2781lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2781lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2781lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2503lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2700lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2700lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2700lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
MODELY | SLIM (3572) | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Silicone Lens | Hery | 15W |
Beam Angle | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
farany | Black Textured (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/off >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
lafiny | L1208 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1080-1391lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | fahombiazana | 80-90lm/W |
Fametrahana | Pendant, Fametrahana ny valin-drihana | Androm-piainana | 50.000 ora |
Lanja afa-karatsaka | 1,5 kg | THD | <20% |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: Lens Silicone, Fahavitrihana: 80lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1200lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1200lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1200lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1080lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1080lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1080lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1236lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1236lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1236lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1112lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1112lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1112lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1200lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1200lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1200lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1080lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1080lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1080lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: Lens Silicone, Fahavitrihana: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.0W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
MODELY | SLIM (3572) | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Silicone Lens | Hery | 21W |
Beam Angle | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
farany | Black Textured (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/off >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
lafiny | L1208 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1512-1947lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | fahombiazana | 80-90lm/W |
Fametrahana | Pendant, Fametrahana ny valin-drihana | Androm-piainana | 50.000 ora |
Lanja afa-karatsaka | 1,5 kg | THD | <20% |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: Lens Silicone, Fahavitrihana: 80lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: Lens Silicone, Fahavitrihana: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1208 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
MODELY | SLIM (3572) | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Silicone Lens | Hery | 21W |
Beam Angle | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
farany | Black Textured (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/off >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
lafiny | L1508 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1512-1947lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | fahombiazana | 80-90lm/W |
Fametrahana | Pendant, Fametrahana ny valin-drihana | Androm-piainana | 50.000 ora |
Lanja afa-karatsaka | 1,5 kg | THD | <20% |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: Lens Silicone, Fahavitrihana: 80lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: Lens Silicone, Fahavitrihana: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
MODELY | SLIM (3572) | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Silicone Lens | Hery | 27W |
Beam Angle | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
farany | Black Textured (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/off >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
lafiny | L1508 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1944-2503lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | fahombiazana | 80-90lm/W |
Fametrahana | Pendant, Fametrahana ny valin-drihana | Androm-piainana | 50.000 ora |
Lanja afa-karatsaka | 1,5 kg | THD | <20% |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: Lens Silicone, Fahavitrihana: 80lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2160lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2160lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2160lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 1944lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 1944lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 1944lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2225lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2225lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2225lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2002lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2002lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2002lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2160lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2160lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2160lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 1944lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 1944lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 1944lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Famirapiratana: SLIM(3572), Optical: Lens Silicone, Fahavitrihana: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Mpamily: Lifud | ||||||||
OPTICAL | ANGLE | UGR | NY FAHARETANY | fahefana | LUMEN | RA | CCT | pahina |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-off |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Silicone Lens | 105° | <24 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |